While having lunch with my dear friend Julie, it was a bitter sweet moment. A great catch up but our final good bye. I said to Julie I thought that she needed to have fingerprint jewellery created for her children. I expressed how much my piece with Tyler’s fingerprint impression means to me.
Weeks went by and I was holidaying with my family. I kept thinking about this. After lots of champagne and conversations with some friends they encouraged me to start my own business. Julie also encouraged me as she has always done. So I did it! I wanted to take Julie’s impression as my first true client and create my very first memorable pieces. I created these and gifted them to Julie to give to her children and her parents. I am so truly honored to be able to have Julie as one of my first steps in my business. I took her impression while she was in palliative care. It was a moment I was very nervous about. I was scared how I would cope seeing her so unwell, I was scared I would breakdown from flashbacks of Tyler in hospital. I was scared taking this step starting my new business. Driving to the hospital Tyler’s funeral song came on. This gave me the strength and confidence I needed to do this. I knew my girl was by my side supporting me.
Julie and I had a great afternoon. We laughed, we hugged, I cried in my car. Julie is so amazing, so strong. Julie’s motto is “Live Life & Love Large”. I have named this collection in honor of Julie.
Julie passed away on April 15th 2019